Aeration & Over Seeding

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There are many benefits to aerating a lawn. Over the course of a season, mowing, traffic on the lawn, rain etc., hard pacts the topsoil to where it is difficult for rain water to penetrate the surface causing run off and causes less air flow to the root system resulting in grass that looks choked or depleted of its nutrients.

Core aeration is the process of removing small plugs of thatch and soil of up to 4 inches in length from the lawn to improve air flow in the soil. Its benefits include:

  • Improved air exchange between the soil and atmosphere
  • Enhanced water intake
  • Improved fertilizer uptake and use
  • Reduced water runoff and puddling
  • Stronger grass roots
  • Reduce soil compaction
  • Enhanced heat and drought stress tolerance
  • Improved resiliency & cushioning
  • Enhanced thatch breakdown

Quality Lawn Services recommends aerating once per year on lawns with have traffic areas and every other year for all others. The best time of year to aerate is during the Fall when the weather cools down and moisture returns after the hot, dry summer.

The benefits of aeration and over seeding are:

  • All the benefits of aeration listed above plus
  • Helps fill in bare spots
  • Improves turf density and color
  • Helps lawn withstand damage from insects, disease, drought, shady conditions and heavy traffic
  • Reduces the amount of pesticides necessary to control insects, grubs and weeds

We hope you find the above information helpful and informative. Please give serious consideration to using one of the very beneficial services. Quality Lawn Services have the lowest prices in the industry for aeration and aeration & over seeding. We have discounted these services by more than 50%. On top of these discounts you can also receive an additional 5% by prepaying in advance. Please feel free to give us a call or Contact Us should you have any questions.